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 CRC Heavy Duty Corrosion Inhibitor

Flexible, amber coating protects and preserves metal surface, electrical connections, engine
components, windlass gearmotors and fastners subject to salt spray and high huminity.
Will not crack or craze. Resist wash-off and abrasion while providing long-therme protections.
Forms corrosion-proof insulating film.

Partno: 93001

 Conversion Kit Horizontal to Vertical


Conversion kit. For mounting a vertical windlass where a horizontal has been from before.
Contains: Spacer on deck plate in 1/4" white marine grade polymer and
aluminium under deck washer plate.

Partno: 93010


 Compact display


Compact display for use in stores.
Shows Barracuda windlass, 90801 switchpanel, 90900 footswitch kit and 90080 cicuit breaker.

Partno: 93020


 handle for al models


   Spare clutch handle for al models.

   Partno. 93030



Anchorlift seek ways to continually improv products, design and spesifications.
Products design and spesifications subject to change without notice. 
We apologize for any spelling mistakes and errors on our website.